Rules and conditions

The website located at is not the official Vavada website, but rather a satellite site collaborating with the parent brand under partnership agreement number PQ3930 dated 04.02.2024.

Personal Data Processing Policy

In connection with the information mentioned above, this online resource does not involve user registration procedures, therefore we do not collect or store personal data, except for public comments and cases of sending requests through the "Feedback Form" on the page or its versions in other languages. When using the mentioned functionality, you may be asked to provide your name, city, and e-mail.

  1. This site may collect anonymized information about visits through statistical systems such as Google Analytics to analyze key user interaction metrics and improve the quality of services provided.
  2. This site may use cookies to store information necessary for the site's functionality. For example, the selected interface language.
  3. We do not engage in selling, distributing, publishing, or any other form of misuse of the personal data obtained.
  4. We have taken a number of measures to protect the site and the personal data stored on it. Cybersecurity is one of our main priorities.

Terms and Conditions

1. By using this site, users agree that the owners, employees, and any other individuals or legal entities are not responsible for users' actions on any of the Vavada brand domains, as well as for possible financial losses. The user also acknowledges their awareness that gambling is directly associated with the risk of losing money.

2. Some people are prone to various types of addictions. Gambling can negatively affect the lives of such individuals. If you notice symptoms of addiction in yourself, we strongly recommend contacting Vavada support for voluntary account blocking. We also recommend seeking qualified help in your region.

3. is a type of fan site with the following objectives:

  • attracting new users to the platform;
  • providing up-to-date and working mirrors of the main site;
  • international promotion of the Vavada brand, its products, and services;
  • providing current information about promotional offers, large jackpots, and other opportunities.

4. Users are prohibited from:

  • using the resource and information on it if they are under 18 years of age;
  • sending and publishing spam;
  • malicious attempts to cause server overload.

5. Vavada brand services and products cannot be provided to residents of the following prohibited locations:

  • Abkhazia
  • Austria (AT)
  • Afghanistan (AF)
  • American Samoa (AS)
  • Barbados (BB)
  • Belgium (BE)
  • Botswana (BW)
  • Burundi (BI)
  • United Kingdom (GB)
  • Venezuela (VE)
  • Gabon (GA)
  • Germany (DE)
  • Georgia (GE)
  • Guam (GU)
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo (CD)
  • Zimbabwe (ZW)
  • Iran (IR)
  • Yemen (YE)
  • Cambodia (KH)
  • Cameroon (CM)
  • Cuba (CU)
  • Crimea
  • Curaçao
  • Lebanon (LB)
  • Libya (LY)
  • Mali (ML)
  • Mozambique (MZ)
  • Myanmar (MM)
  • Nigeria (NG)
  • Netherlands (NL)
  • Nicaragua (NI)
  • Caribbean Netherlands Islands: Bonaire, Saba, Sint Maarten, Sint Eustatius, Sint Maarten, Aruba
  • Pakistan (PK)
  • Palau (PW)
  • Palestine (PS)
  • Portugal (PT)
  • Transnistria
  • Republic of Cyprus (CY)
  • Samoa (WS)
  • Senegal (SN)
  • North Korea (KP)
  • Syria (SY)
  • Slovakia (SK)
  • Slovenia (SI)
  • Somalia (SO)
  • United States of America (US)
  • Sudan (SD)
  • Trinidad and Tobago (TT)
  • Uganda (UG)
  • Fiji (FJ)
  • France (FR)
  • Central African Republic (CF)
  • Chad (TD)
  • Sweden (SE)
  • Switzerland (CH)
  • Eritrea (ER)
  • Ethiopia (ET)
  • Fiji (FJ)
  • South Sudan (SS)
  • South Ossetia